Safety Tech, partner of the DOLPHIN project
In the collaborative DOLPHIN project (Development Original truck Lab for PHysical INtegration), Safety Tech is participating in the development of a laboratory vehicle featuring innovations for future-generation electric trucks. The aim is to assess the potential of technological innovations in terms of energy and environmental optimization, road user safety, ergonomics and on-board comfort. Production of the laboratory truck will start in spring 2024.
The Dolphin project is led by Renault Trucks and supported by a consortium of industrial partners from the Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes region, including Safety Tech, Insavalor, Clermont-Auvergne University, Insa Lyon and Lamberet.
Safety Tech’s role is to provide a camera-based rearview system with innovative features specific to the needs of the truck industry.
The DOLPHIN project is winner of the “CORAM 2022” call for projects, which aims to support research and development projects carried out by companies in the automotive and road mobility sectors that will accelerate the transition to the vehicle of the future. It was financed by the French government as part of France 2030 and by the European Union – Next Generation EU as part of the France Relance plan.